Caring for a loved one with dementia presents numerous challenges for families and caregivers. Having dementia puts older adults at risk of wandering, increased aggression, hallucinations, and depression.
Our new resource explains the most common crises that arise and offers caregivers strategies to cope with or prevent them if a situation occurs.
You can view it here: is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.
Is someone you care for with Alzheimer's dementia exhibiting excessive motor activity, verbal and/or physical aggression?
If so, they may qualify for the ASPECT™ clinical research study. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug for agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia.
The ASPECT study can help us learn more about a potential treatment for agitation in patients with Alzheimer’s dementia.
See If You/Your Loved One May Qualify A clinical research study for agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia
Our mission is to be a complete resource center on abuse in nursing homes and to offer any help possible. We have added a ton of information on different types of abuse along with other resources and we will be updating it weekly. Check out our website below and feel free to explore:
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For many seniors, retirement brings plenty of joy. Time spent not working can instead be spent focusing on moments with friends and family, as well as on learning new skills and engaging in favorite hobbies. Some seniors might see their golden years as an opportunity to travel, while others might look forward to relaxing and reading more often. Those who choose to spend more time reading are likely to see the vast benefits that come with taking time to read each day.
Cognitive decline is a relatively common issue among seniors. In fact, among American adults aged 70 and over, approximately 66% experience some level of decline in their cognitive abilities. One way to combat cognitive decline is by keeping the mind active through reading and engaging in other mentally stimulating activities, as well as by socializing and exercising.
Camps are held monthly, call for dates - Camp Benedictine: located in Shawnee, OK. Camps accept persons with or without disabilities, ages 8-80. Three-day camps held monthly provide an opportunity for individuals with developmental delays to engage in recreational, educational and pre-vocational activities along with other community members. Offered are swimming, basketball, aerobics, volleyball, bingo, drama, arts and crafts, cultural activities and concept building activities. Call or check website for camp dates, fees and application information.
There are several options when it comes to emergency housing. While some programs provide emergency cash to help those facing eviction or homelessness to pay rent and utilities, others offer shelter to those who are already without a safe place to stay.
Seniors can usually find emergency housing by contacting their city’s government offices, local social services departments, hospitals and churches for help.
In 2019, more than 3 million elderly Americans visited the emergency room because of fall-related injuries. That breaks down to five or six falls every minute. Data suggests women are hospitalized after a fall at twice the rate of men. Many of these falls are quite serious.
Falls can have serious physical, emotional, and financial repercussions for elderly fall victims and their families. The CDC estimates that falls cost about $50 billion in medical bills annually.
So, why are seniors slipping and falling at such alarming rates? And what can be done to limit the chances of you or someone you care about falling and getting hurt? Brown & Crouppen tackles these important questions and others in our slip-and-fall guide for the elderly.
Nursing homes are designed to provide high-quality care to residents whose families cannot care for their elderly or disabled loved ones on their own. However, residents at nursing homes and assisted living facilities may be at risk of abuse and neglect.
Sokolove Law has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for families affected by unacceptable nursing home abuse cases. Find out your legal options now by calling (888) 506-7135 for a free case review.
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